Flowering Quince Art: Artist are painting from my photo. See them all here.
A photo I took on Easter of flowering Quince is being used for Monthly Sketch Project on Ning. MSJ is just a group of artist looking for inspiration and support. Anyone is welcome to join, but you don't even have to join to participate in my blog. I hope to add links to any participants blog's. One of my favorite things to do in art is find how many different ways artist will interpret the same thing. Artists styles vary be the medium they use, the style they have developed, and the mood they are in at the time they created the art. Watch with me over the month to see how many people will chose to draw, sketch or paint from this photo. My goal today, among others, is to get started on a watercolor from this inspirational photo today. I will post when I am done.If you would like to participate you can send me an email with your art image attached (please keep .jpg file size small) and I will post it on my blog. Also, you can post it to your blog and link up to mine. I am working on figuring out how that works so stay tuned for a "McLinky button"Any level of work is acceptable. Hope to see your work.Here is my first attempt. It still needs some detail work, shadows and washes. I might just start over, but l like to see the transformation take place. Check back later to see my reworking of the quince flowers.
This morning a worked on shading the flowers and creating more depth. It was hard to decide what approach to take. More practice and experience will definitely help. Helpful critique is always welcome, so if you have any please leave a comment. Below is after I added shading to the flowers and depth to the background.
I sure like this one by Neon Fog, nice composition and sense of light.
This one is by Eva @ To Be Determined.