Were you creative today?

Creative Adventures is all about challenging yourself each and every day to create something new. Today instead of painting, making jewelry, designing a logo,  or teaching kids, I helped a friend. We reconnected and talked about the current market. e commerce has changed things and we are forging ahead. There is so much joy in helping others. Here is a sample of  Karen's work. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Little-Bridget-Jewelry/278692656567?v=wall&story_fbid=387285981567#!/pages/Little-Bridget-Jewelry/278692656567?v=wallCheck it out at "Little Bridget Jewelry" on facebook or ETSY. I would totally wear her designs, how about you?


Flowering Quince Art: Artist are painting from my photo. See them all here.


What is growing in your backyard right now?