I’m not that interesting.
You know that feeling—when you read and see all the posts from other artists and creatives who are doing fun stuff—you feel rather ordinary. Yep, that’s me. I often think, “nobody cares about my art.” But that doesn’t really matter if I enjoy creating it. It’s a way to unplug. Clear my head.
“Transformation” © Holly Herick 2020
2020 has been a year of discovery for me. All this time at home Has been good— I’ve been able to focus on what is important and make improvements. My Instagram feed is not dialed in yet—I’m trying. My FB and IG shops are barely jiving. I create plenty of art, but I have trouble documenting it, posting it to social media @hollyherickdesign and my online shop—www.HHDshop.com. Sometimes the scans of my art are too low-res for large-format prints in my shop, or they are too hi-res and will not load to my website. And then there is the color correction issue—never quite perfect. It’s a learning curve. Even an experienced artist can have challenges with marketing their own products. THAT’S OKAY. I find it easier to market businesses other than my own. You’d think I would know myself by now. It is always a continuing path of self-discovery. One thing I know for sure is I understand marketing and the challenges of running a small business. I guide myself, and my clients, through the process. And in a rapidly changing world, it is a constant learning process.
I’m now adding my designs to all kinds of products. Apparel, home, and tech products are some of my favorites to design. “Morning Mist” leggings.
Phone cases—iPhone and Samsung. “Sea Star #1” iPhone case
It is really fun to design products for all age groups. Kids and toddler rash guards
But more than anything, I am excited to share my art prints. You can now order my Fine Art Prints at affordable prices through www.HHDshop.com which is part of HollyHerickDesign.com where I also do graphic design/website and marketing for small businesses. Check it out.
I’m adding products almost daily. As I create new art and colorways, I will create new products. Stay tuned.
And just in case you enjoy witty remarks as I do, check out my line of coffee mugs (t-shirts to follow). “LIFE is what happens between COFFEE and WINE”
What’s your favorite product or design? I really want your feedback. Comment below for a chance to win a GIFT CARD. I’ll pick one comment in early 2021. Good luck!