6 Simple Reasons to Get to Know Someone with Special Needs
giftjoy.org introduces Gabe, an artist with special needs.
Watch this video and we will show you why the list below is true.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rHCfG3InWs&w=560&h=315]
- That person will make you laugh.
- That person will impress you.
- That person will impress you, AGAIN.
- That person will teach you something new about yourself.
- You will make a new friend.
- Your heart will be so happy.
The list is much longer than six; I encourage you to add to my list. You can leave a comment below.If you have more interest in people with special needs I encourage you to visit giftjoy.org and join the mission to support artists with special needs. I believe so strongly in these differently abled people that I have started a mission to encourage them—and those who love them. giftjoy.org is a community that celebrates developmental and physical disability within our world. Discover more at giftjoy.org.