100 Faces: A Quick Sketch Project
Sketch Without Fear: 100 Faces
Recently I Took on this projectto loosen up and draw.
Below are some of the 30 second sketches. I set out to sketch 100 faces, but I ran out of paper at about 48 sketches. I drew with a Sharpie® (my favorite is the Ultra Fine Point) so I couldn't erase. This also helped me to just draw a face and move on to the next.[slideshow]I drew faces 2 up on 8.5 x11 inch card stock. I just grabbed old paper samples in any color and texture. The idea is to NOT worry about it—just grab and draw. I started with single line sketches and some of them are my favorites. Most of the sketches are from my imagination. When I got stuck, I opened up my photo library and browsed through old photos so some of the sketches are loosely based on people I know. It made it even more fun to draw while I reminisced old times with family and friends.Some of the sketches are awful. That is fine. This project is teaching me that not everything I do will be awesome. This is just practice and if I get a number of sketchesI like, I will count it as a bonus.
I did not get photos of the ink drawings of the first eight images I painted with watercolor and acrylic—it would have been nice to document the before and after of the three painted images in this blog. Sorry about that.This project definitely got me drawing and loosened me up (mind and hand). Each of the faces so far has turned out so different. It is fun to know I have the ability to draw and paint so many different styles.
If you enjoyed my 100 Faces project, I challenge you to try it yourself. Be sure to leave a comment below with a link to your web page or blog so I can see what you created.Happy sketching with no fear,Holly Herick